Thursday, September 22, 2011


Hello and welcome to prepping now, a blog about, well, prepping now. Aside from the obvious topics such as what to prep, how to prep, and when to prep, there are many subjects I would like to discuss. While the word prepper or survivalist brings a lot of images to mind, there are some new images I would like to add to the mix. Where one thinks of a grumpy old man in full camo chewing on bark, I would like to add a young woman who keeps an emergency bag in her car. Where one would normally think of yet another old man in full camo shooting at people for getting near his 'supplies," I would like for you to think of the father of three who can (thanks to his well thought preps) invite the people next door over after a storm for a hot meal. Simply put, prepping is vital, prepping is smart, prepping is obvious, and prepping is NOW. Now is not too late to think about the future. Now it is time for the young to decide to wake up and be ready. Now is the time for us to choose our fate. Will you be the one who is ready when the storm hits? Will you be the one who can care for your family after your preps run out? If you can’t answer yes to these questions then NOW is the time.
 Of course you could be the grumpy old man; there is plenty of bark to go around.
Stay alert, stay awake, and keep reading,

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