Thursday, September 22, 2011

About Me

While there are many subjects I want to tackle with this blog I guess some introductions are in order first. My name is Lesley although from this point on with my blog I plan to go by prepgirl. I'm in my late twenty’s and I am married with two great kids. I now live in the gulf coast area of Florida with my family. I am pretty new to the prepper community, watching the numerous youtube videos, commenting on forums, and reading other blogs. I have had a love for prepping since I was young though, and I have been "putting away" for a while. I have a distinct memory from about the age of 8 or 9 when a bad winter storm was headed our way. Everyone in the area (including my family) headed out to get the usual milk, bread, and spagetios. Once the family was home and settled in I had a realization. What if the power goes out and we need lights? What if we have to leave and we don't have anything packed? What if one of us gets hurt? Immediately I rounded up some of last year's backpacks and put in each a change of clothing, toothbrush, and a stuffed animal for the kids, I set them by the door and made everyone put their shoes in front of their bag. After all that, I rounded up the flashlights, candles, matches, a first aid kit, and batteries and put them on the counter where they would be easy to find if the power went out. And guess what happened? The power did go out and we did have to leave, but we knew were everything was. Getting to a shelter that had some heat was so much easier because we were prepared. There were plenty of times after this that a storm passed over with no need for those supplies. The book bags stood by the door, the candles lay unused, but I felt so much better knowing they were ready. So cut to a "few" years later, here I am, watching the videos and thinking “hey, I have something to add to that”, or writing 3 page long forum posts I know only a handful of people will see. So I decided to start my own blog to get what I wanted to say out there. My plan is simple; I want to do a "what I'm thinking today" post as often as possible with "special topic" posts at least weekly. Also, I will be referencing other great blogs, videos, or radio shows I think are worth mentioning. So here we go, I hope this site will be interesting, challenging, and above all helpful, in your daily lives, and in your preparations for tomorrow. 
Stay alert, stay awake, and keep reading,

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