A friend recently let me know about this scene from Terra Nova. I am not going to add the photo to my blog and risk getting in trouble for use of an image without copyright permission, but please check it out. It was hard to believe, until I saw it for myself. And if, by the way you think this is all just imaginary or that this is just the creator's idea of monopoly money just take a look at the globes around the border of the bill. Interesting right? This is just another example of thought product placement in the media. Just little images or words here and there to get us used (at least subliminally) to the idea of a one world government. Check it out, let me know what you think, and please listen to the show on Sunday, I will be discussing this very issue and I am welcoming call ins to give me their point of view.
Start looking for yourself,
You're right. They just nonchalantly place images here and there; a phrase, an idea, a concept used just enough to plant the seed...
Listened to your program tonight , very informative !!!