Sunday, October 23, 2011

Don't miss tonight's episode of Prepping Now!

Tonight's episode of Prepping Now on the Prepper Broadcasting Network is sure to be entertaining, thought provoking, and a learning experience! If you are new to financial issues or an old pro this episode is for you. I am so excited to have TheLordHumungus on as an expert guest. If you don't know of TheLordHumungus (aka Eric), then I urge you to check out his You Tube page. He has some great thoughts about not only financial issues, but also prepping, and urban homesteading. While I am trying to become more aware of our current economic status (and MY economic status) I am still a newbie for lack of a better term. While watching Eric's videos though, I have learned a lot and the videos have urged me to do more research. I hope they will do the same for you.

I will add another post later to add anything we mention on the show in case you want to do some research yourself but until then I am going to include some information I think will be helpful.

From: TheLordHumungus   

Fiat Money- Any currency system which only has value because the government regulates it as such. For example, if I had an town which I was the mayor of and I said "from now on, only these little squares of paper are to be used for buying or selling" that would be an example of fiat money, and in case that sounds a bit familiar, that's because it is. Both the American dollar and Euro are forms of Fiat currency.

The Federal Reserve- Just check it out here, it's such a large subject, I can't begin now, but we will tonight!
Hope to see you there,

The show was awesome, thanks to TheLordHumungus and those in the live chat. If you missed it, listen to a playback below. Also, I have included some of the sites that Eric gave us for increasing our financial knowledge base!

Crash Proof 2.0 by Peter Schiff -He also has a You Tube page. 

The Secret of Oz, you can find it on You Tube but I am not going to recommend any particular post due to copyright issues.

Listen to internet radio with PrepperBroadcastingNetwork on Blog Talk Radio


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Occupy wall street

OK, I promised a week ago I was going to be back with a blog about the Guy Fawkes masks but I changed my mind, and I can do that, its my blog. After doing my research I decided that there is no point in discussing why its wrong for them to be wearing them, or for that matter why they are sitting around half naked in drum circles for a large part of the day. Most people who read my blog already know how dumb they are. The protesters themselves have no idea why they are doing it, except it feels good and looks cool. Which, by the way is the first principle of Satanism, check it out for yourself, but even if most of the people who are involved in OWS have no idea what force they are accelerating, that is NO excuse. They think they are fighting for a world where they can get everything for free and yet somehow live without anyone having to work. In reality though, what they are fighting for is something so scary I worry daily that they will get their way. It's so funny (but not really) that the masks that they wear at OWS represent a retaliation to a restrictive, and oppressive government. When socialism, or Communism, or Marxism is instilled, (whichever one wins out I suppose) they are really going to see what it's like. Now, I know there are a few people out there in the mix who know whats going on, but they are like people with jedi mindsets fighting on the dark side. What good could they be doing? So, whats the point of this rant? I guess it's this. If you are afraid of occupy wall street too then voice your concern, and if you are one of those protesting think about what side you are on.

Keep reading,

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Guy Fawkes masks at occupy wall street?

I am not going to do a huge piece on the occupy wall street movement for a few reasons. Firstly, Prepper Logic is doing a show about it this Friday and they are friends. So while they would likely be open, and even encouraging to the coverage competition, I am not going to be stepping on anyone's toes, let alone friend's toes. Secondly, I have a difficult time out and out "dissing" (for lack of a better term) a group which is so mixed. Yes there are those neo-hippies sitting half naked in drum circles, and stupid people who instead of working hard would rather have all the money put into one big pot and then split up among the people, but there are also some people out there who have some decent ideas. And even if this movement is being funded by some extremely left wing groups, the ideas and demands that these protesters have span the spectrum. Dissecting this group would take so long that no one would be reading by the end. So instead I have decided to just write on whatever I see that interests me. So, that said, check out my next blog coming up tomorrow. I am going to discuss some of the fashion trends swirling around occupy wall street. More specifically the Guy Fawkes mask everyone seems to be wearing. We will discuss what they think they stand for, and what they are actually symbolize.
Pay attention to what you see,

My first You Tube video!

After some encouragement from my friends in the prepping community I decided to go ahead and bite the metaphorical bullet. My first You Tube video was added today and I hope no one is too critical of it as I was quite hesitant to do it. I plan to do more in the future and I would love anyone's comments or suggestions on what they would like to see or learn more about in future videos. I am including the link for it below and encouraging you to check it out and of course, rate, comment, and subscribe.

See my first You Tube video here.

Keep reading, listening, and watching,

Sunday, October 9, 2011

My first show!

I had a great first show, some great questions and a lot of "but um's" but um, anyway I think that most people found it informative and thought provoking. Hopefully I will get a little better with every show, and hopefully we will have some great discussions regarding important issues. Thanks so much to the call in's and those in the chat rooms. I hope they are not the last! I am including a playback device below to let you check it out if you missed it, and tune in next week at 7pm Eastern on The Prepper Broadcasting Network!

Thanks for all the support,

Listen to internet radio with PrepperBroadcastingNetwork on Blog Talk Radio

Friday, October 7, 2011

The one world government is on it's way!

A friend recently let me know about this scene from Terra Nova.  I am not going to add the photo to my blog and risk getting in trouble for use of an image without copyright permission, but please check it out. It was hard to believe, until I saw it for myself. And if, by the way you think this is all just imaginary or that this is just the creator's idea of monopoly money just take a look at the globes around the border of the bill. Interesting right? This is just another example of thought product placement in the media. Just little images or words here and there to get us used (at least subliminally) to the idea of a one world government. Check it out, let me know what you think, and please listen to the show on Sunday, I will be discussing this very issue and I am welcoming call ins to give me their point of view.

Start looking for yourself,

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Some Exciting News!

I have some exciting news for all my readers (yes, all 5 of them, including my mother.) Prepping Now is going live! I have accepted a show on the Prepper Broadcasting Network.   It will be on at 7pm Eastern on Sundays and I encourage you to listen. Also, I would love it if I got some call ins. My show, just like my blog, is always open to those who have questions or suggestions. If you want to call in or listen live you can find the information here. There is also a great option on the show's home page which will remind you via email or text that it's almost time for the show. I am including a brief description of the show below and below that I will include a description of the first episode.

Sunday: 6:00 – 7:00pm Central – “Prepping Now”

Prepping now with prepgirl is a show about the importance of preparing now for what tomorrow might bring. We will discuss not only important prepping issues such as food storage and skill growth but also the general awareness that comes with the prepping lifestyle. Our hope is that this show will bring new people to the community but also encourage those who already faced some of the challenges of prepping to lend a hand or offer an idea to those who are just staring out.

My first show will be about something I like to call "Thought Product Placement" basically, the idea that "whoever is in charge" uses the media to influence people with the ideals they want them to have. An example would be that God is never mentioned in TVor movies except in a negative light. Not to downplay religion exactly, but rather to discourage the morality that comes along with it. People who don't have morals keep idolizing people like the  "Jersey Shore cast" and completely ignore when their constitutional rights are being removed. While this may be a hard hitting issue, I believe that we as preppers and those who are awake should take a stand, and discuss these issues openly and with candor.

Keep reading and start listening,